We start at zero

No prior knowledge or experience is needed to follow this cours. We start at zero. However: this is not a computer course! You need to be able to work with your computer and with online services like Google Drive or Discord.

IT-students and E-students have too much prior knowledge and are not admissible.

100% online

This course is 100% online. You can follow this program anywhere in the world. All materials, tools, lectures, meetings are online.

No final test

The minor contains a few sprints – online scavenger hunts – and ends with a final project. Results are added to a personal portfolio. Grading is based on these products.

Full time program

This is a fulltime – 40 hours per week – program and not a correspondence course, with mandatory meetings. We expect you to be available for eduction from Tuesdays until Fridays, 9AM to 5PM. Schedule may vary. Not suitable for parttime students.


The main programming languages are Python and SQL, with some additional HTML, CSS and JavaScript and whatever you like to use.

Harvard Certificates

We use the world famous Harvard CS50 programs, with our own twist. This course can result in one or more Harvard Certificates.

Dutch and/or English

Both 15ec and 30ec are offered in Dutch and English. However in case of a limited group size, we can switch to English only. The portfolio can be written in Dutch, if preferred.

No special software

All you need to follow this course, is Google Chrome, webcam and microphohne on a fairly modern pc or mac (no chrome-book) with a proper internet connection.

Matchbox Webserver [30ec]

We use a few items (mandatory, 30ec only), including a complete matchbox size microcomputer that can operate as webserver or a gaming device. Costs max: 20 EUR.

Master the basics or dive in deeper

Master the basics [15ec]

With the 15ec program you learn to master the basics of Python programming. Including testing, exceptions, regular expressions, object oriented programming and SQL for databases.

This program can result in a genuine Harvard Certificate.

Available in Dutch and English if group size is sufficient. However all learning material is in English.

Enroll now

The 30ec program continues, where the 15 EC program left of. After the first period you choose your specialization: Data, Web dev, App dev (not in 2024), or Artificial Intelligence.

Web dev is an assignment based program, building up to developing an interactive website backed by a SQL database.

Data is less structured than Web dev. It introduces you into the world of API's, web scraping, SQL and Mongo, focussing also on business opportunities.

App dev (not in 2024) requires an inquisitive mind and the necessary self-reliance, resulting in a working stand-alone app suitable for mobile or desktop, backed by a database driven API.

Artificial Intelligence is not about asking questions to ChatGPT, but offers an assignment based, mathematical approach to concepts like: search, uncertainty, machine learning, language and neural networks. Not for the faint-hearted!

This second part is only available in English. You can write your portfolio in Dutch if you prefer.

Enroll now

15ec Nederlands

15ec Nederlands als voertaal, mits de groepsomvang dit toestaat.

Inschrijven in Progress
Inschrijven via Kies op Maat


30ec Nederlands

30ec Nederlands als voertaal gedurende de eerste periode van het semester, mits de groepsomvang dit toestaat.

Inschrijven in Progress
Inschrijven via Kies op Maat

Meer info

Er valt niet veel meer te vertellen. Rooster en moduleboek krijg je een paar weken voor aanvang, verder vind je alles in deze website. Maar, voor contact, email: cpnits@nhlstenden.com.


15ec English

15ec English. End products may be produced in Dutch if preferred.

Enroll in Progress
Enroll via Kies op Maat


30ec English

30ec English. End products may be produced in Dutch if preferred.

Enroll in Progress
Enroll via Kies op Maat

More info

There's not much more to tell. You get your schedule and module book a week or two before we start, all other info is in this website. But, for contact, email: cpnits@nhlstenden.com.